Orders are usually shipped within 2-4 working days after placement.
Our warehouse dispatches orders from Monday to Saturday , and it takes another 5-7 working days for the order to reach you based on your location.

Shipping charges to the below mentioned counties is available on website you can check them at checkout page by providing zipcode/pincode.

– You can pay via your Account by selecting payment method provided by Bengali Affairs.

  • Further Instructions for international shipping:
  • Shipping charges for parcel above 250 gram are cheaper than small parcel.
  • In some countries, as per their custom rules custom charges may apply.
  • For any other query contact us on +91-9831688449

Note: In case of any product from your order got unavailable due to any reason or facing any delay, Will connect you within 1-2 working days via call or msg to inform you regarding possible delays.

In case the delivery status shows “delivered” and you have not received the product yet, you need to intimate us within 24 hours. You are requested to send an email with your order id with the subject “wrong delivery status” to info@bengaliaffairs.com
Failing to do so within 24 hours doesn’t make you entitled to any refund or any support from our team.